Analisis Putusan Hak Hadhanah di Pengadilan Agama Semarang Tahun 2010


  • Nur Khasan Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo, Semarang, Indonesia


Decision, Hadhanah Rights, Semarang Religious Court 2010


Analysis of the Hadhanah Rights Decision at the Semarang Religious Court in 2010. This research aims to reveal the Analysis of Decisions on Hadhanah Rights in the Semarang Religious Courts in 2010. Research on Analysis of Decisions on Hadhanah Rights in Religious Courts was carried out using a qualitative approach with the type of field research with data collection techniques using Interview Techniques, Observation (Observations) and Documentation. The research subjects or informants in this research are the Chair of the Religious Court, Religious and Family Court Judges with Hadhanah Rights in the Semarang Religious Court in 2010. The results of the research show that the 2010 Semarang Religious Court Decision regarding hadhanah rights is in accordance with the provisions of the applicable law and rules in Islamic law. Child custody rights, which mostly fall to the plaintiff, are based on legal grounds and existing considerations. In this case, of course, it shows that the decision is a decision that is in accordance with existing procedures.


