Peran Kecerdasan Manusia dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Pendidikan di Era Modern


  • Musrizal IAI Al-Aziziyah Samalanga Bireuen, Aceh, Indonesia
  • Warul Walidin UIN Ar-Raniry, Banda Aceh, Indonesia
  • Salami Mahmud UIN Ar-Raniry, Banda Aceh, Indonesia


Human Intelligence, Education and the Modern Age


The Role of Human Intelligence in Improving the Quality of Education in the Modern Era. In this modern era, information is increasingly advanced and complex, human ability to process, analyze and utilize knowledge is the main key in developing an effective education system. Human intelligence enables individuals to understand and apply knowledge in useful ways. In this modern era, information technology provides unlimited access to information, it is important for humans to have critical abilities in sorting and evaluating information that is relevant and accurate. Human intelligence enables a person to carry out careful information processing, distinguish between facts and opinions, and make decisions based on rational and logical thinking. Human intelligence plays a vital role in developing effective communication. Quality education does not only involve knowledge and information, but also skills in conveying and receiving information clearly and efficiently. Human intelligence enables individuals to develop the verbal and nonverbal communication skills necessary to interact well in educational settings. Human intelligence also plays an important role in motivating and inspiring individuals in the learning process. Intrinsic motivation is one of the key factors in improving the quality of education. Human intelligence allows a person to have a deep understanding of their own interests, ambitions and goals, thereby motivating them to achieve higher achievements. In addition, human intelligence also allows a person to inspire others, encourage collaboration, and build a positive learning environment.


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How to Cite

Musrizal, Warul Walidin, & Salami Mahmud. (2023). Peran Kecerdasan Manusia dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Pendidikan di Era Modern. IDRIS: InDonesian Journal of Islamic Studies, 1(1), 55–72. Retrieved from