Strategy for Implementing Flash Card Media in Improving Early Childhood Language Skills: Analysis of Supporting Factors and Barriers


  • Salsa Putri Yunita Institut Agama Islam Negeri Kudus
  • Sulthon Institut Agama Islam Negeri Kudus


Flash Card Media, Language Ability, Early Childhood, Supporting Factors and Barriers


Strategy for Implementing Flash Card Media in Improving Early Childhood Language Skills: Analysis of Supporting Factors and Barriers. This research aims to analyze the supporting factors and obstacles in implementing flash card media to improve the language skills of early childhood children in Group B at RA Nurul Haq Prangkat Kidul Kaliwungu Kudus. The method used is qualitative research with a field approach and descriptive analysis. Data was collected through direct observation, interviews with teachers and parents, as well as documentation of learning activities using flash cards. The research results show that the main supporting factors are teacher professionalism, interest in learning, and student persistence, while the main obstacle is differences in students' varying understanding. This research recommends increasing teachers' professional skills in using flash cards, as well as actively involving parents to support learning at home. It is hoped that the results of this research can provide insight into developing strategies for implementing flash card media that are more effective in early childhood education.


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How to Cite

Salsa Putri Yunita, & Sulthon. (2023). Strategy for Implementing Flash Card Media in Improving Early Childhood Language Skills: Analysis of Supporting Factors and Barriers. IDRIS: InDonesian Journal of Islamic Studies, 1(2), 209–228. Retrieved from