Problem-posing Education Paulo Freire: Implikasi dalam Pendidikan Islam Kontemporer


  • Muhammad Hilal Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo
  • Hamdani Muin Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo, Semarang


Problem-posing Education, Paulo Freire, Islamic Education, Contemporary


Paulo Freire's Problem-posing Education: Implications in Contemporary Islamic Education. This research examines the application of Problem-posing Education proposed by Paulo Freire in the context of contemporary Islamic education. By using literature-based qualitative research methods and analyzing with content analysis, this research analyzes the basic concept of Problem-posing Education, its relevance in Islamic education, and its practical implications in learning. The research results show that this approach can strengthen the teacher's role as a dialogical facilitator who encourages active participation and critical thinking of students. The application of Problem-posing Education in Islamic education not only increases students' understanding of religious teachings, but also develops critical and reflective thinking skills that are important for their future lives. This research suggests teacher training, inclusive curriculum development, and the creation of a supportive learning environment to optimize the application of this method in Islamic education.

Keywords: Problem-posing Education, Paulo Freire, Islamic Education, Contemporary


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How to Cite

Muhammad Hilal, & Hamdani Muin. (2023). Problem-posing Education Paulo Freire: Implikasi dalam Pendidikan Islam Kontemporer. IDRIS: InDonesian Journal of Islamic Studies, 1(2), 248–268. Retrieved from