Dakwah Jamiyah Muslimat Dalam Membentuk Keberagamaan Masyarakat (Analisis Manajemen Dakwah)


  • Sekar Nisa’ul Maghfiroh Institut Agama Islam Negeri Kudus, Indonesia
  • Ahmad Shofi Muhyiddin Institut Agama Islam Negeri Kudus, Indonesia


Da'wah, Jamiyah Muslimat, Community Diversity, Da'wah Management Analysis


Dakwah Jamiyah Muslimat in Forming Community Diversity (Da'wah Management Analysis). This study aims to describe how the preaching activities of Jamiyah Muslimat Hayyatul Falah can affect the religious quality of the people of Dukuh Kambangan. This research is a field research with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques in the form of interviews, observation and also documentation. Data validity testing tools in this study were observation and triangulation persistence. As for data analysis techniques through three stages, namely the stages of data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results of this study indicate that the da'wah activities carried out by Jamiyah Muslimat Hayyatul Falah in the form of yasinan, reading the book, manaqib, pilgrimage to the graves of guardians and also providing compensation to orphans, this has an impact on the mindset and habits of the people of Dukuh Kambangan. Many people now prefer to enroll their children in Islamic boarding schools or madrasas rather than enrolling their children in public schools. Apart from that, what has been conveyed, such as during the book reading activity, has been implemented little by little by the Dukuh Kambangan women, especially those who have joined the Jamiyah Muslimat Hayyatul Falah. Such as the procedures for prayer, ablution, distinguishing between unclean and non-clean, even down to the method of rinsing the last garment. There are several factors that become obstacles in the activities of Jamiyah Muslimat Hayyatul Falah including the low education of the members, this causes members to understand less quickly the material that has been delivered. The second is the sense of jihad from each member, so that the sense of ownership in the group feels less strong and the last one is about the place. So far Jamiyah Muslimat Hayyatul Falah still uses the mosque as a place for activities and meetings are usually held at the Jamiyah chairman's house or after carrying out activities. But all of this has not resulted in a reduction in the cohesiveness between the members, it is the persistence and constancy of the members that has made Jamiyah Muslimat Hayyatul Falah still exist today.


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How to Cite

Sekar Nisa’ul Maghfiroh, & Ahmad Shofi Muhyiddin. (2023). Dakwah Jamiyah Muslimat Dalam Membentuk Keberagamaan Masyarakat (Analisis Manajemen Dakwah). IDRIS: InDonesian Journal of Islamic Studies, 1(1), 1–12. Retrieved from http://yambus-lpksa.com/index.php/IDRIS/article/view/9